
Sustainability has many faces

At ARDEX, we see sustainability as a great opportunity to shape the future together and we want to conduct business in a sustainable way. But what exactly does that mean?

For one thing, there are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations. Target values that are as verifiable as possible have been set to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs cover various aspects regarding environmental management, social issues and corporate governance.

With the help of our stakeholder analysis, we were able to define concrete action steps that help us to achieve the target values, e.g.

  • No poverty: fair wages and ethical and safe working conditions for the entire supply chain.
  • Affordable and clean energy: the switch to 100% renewable energy is part of our ARDEX goes zero strategy.
  • Sustainable cities and communities: ARDEX is (founding) member of several green building initiatives to make urbanization more inclusive and sustainable.
  • Responsible consumption and production: working on resource-saving products, innovative technologies and more environmental-friendly packaging are top priorities for us.

A full list of our action steps can be found here.

Furthermore, we are committed to reducing the ARDEX footprint and increasing the ARDEX handprint.

Any questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.